
This site is currently hosted with the excellent Firebase Hosting platform, with Namecheap as the domain registrar and DNS provider. Firebase’s complimentary Spark plan supports my needs at no cost – thank you, Firebase!

Google Domains was my favorite hosting provider, until it was retired ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Historically, this site was first built on Blogger. Next, it ran off a self-hosted Wordpress installation off Nettigritty’s VPS. Later, this site was registered with Namecheap & served off Microsoft’s Azure platform.

These tools are used to write, publish, present, and serve the present and past websites.


  • I currently write on a home-hosted code-server instance in Markdown.
    • Previously:
      • Visual Studio Code is my current, cross-platform editor of choice. I particularly enjoy writing markdown with the n-built preview.
      • emacs (with this adaptation of jekyll.el) aided by the handy [typopunct] minor mode and unc-insert.
  • All recent posts are written in markdown.
  • Git for version control and Visual Studio Online remote repository hosting.
    • Previously: Github was the remote repository.



  • This site has been through many fonts over the years. I’m particularly drawn to serif fonts, the current fonts include:
  • A few other fonts I like include:




Domain Registrar



I instantly loved Ghost’s Dawn theme’s visual aesthetic. In particular I was enamoured by the icon, and use it here on this site, pursuant to their MIT License as of this writing.

The look-and-feel of this website quite deliberately mirrors all that I admire from Ghost’s Dawn theme.

  1. I’d be using Ghost if it had a static-html generation option. The themes (Dawn in particular), really appeal to my personal visual aesthetic. ↩︎