while(*a++ == *b++)  

Among the most elegant implementations is the string copy function (assuming you have allocated enough memory in the dest buffer):

//Assuming for elegance you don't have to return the number of bytes copied.
void strcpy(char* src, char* dest){
  while(*dest++ = *src++);

But I have often wondered what happens at the assembler such *s gets you only a single byte/character. So here is a simple program that explores this - but in string compare:

int main(){
  char *a="String One", *b="String Two";

  return 0;

I compiled this with ‘gcc -S’ option and got the following assembly code:

 1	.file	"testpointer.c"
 2	.def	___main;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef
 3	.section .rdata,"dr"
 5	.ascii "a\0"
 7	.ascii "b\0"
 8	.text
 9.globl _main
10	.def	_main;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef
12	pushl	%ebp
13	movl	%esp, %ebp
14	andl	$-16, %esp
15	subl	$16, %esp
16	call	___main
17	movl	$LC0, 8(%esp)
18	movl	$LC1, 12(%esp)
20	movl	8(%esp), %eax
21	movb	(%eax), %dl
22	movl	12(%esp), %eax
23	movb	(%eax), %al
24	cmpb	%al, %dl
25	sete	%al
26	incl	8(%esp)
27	incl	12(%esp)
28	testb	%al, %al
29	jne	L2
30	movl	$0, %eax
31	leave
32	ret

Line 24: cmpb %al, %dl says it all. compare Lower Byte of register a and register d. Now I can be in peace ;)
